Redesign Your Life

Monday, August 29th, 2011

Redesign Your Life

Have you ever wished you could do something completely different with your life? Many people live their lives in a linear fashion, with one step logically following another, only to realise that the place they have ended up in doesn’t give them happiness or fulfilment. In the extreme, what results is often termed a mid-life crisis that can involve sudden changes in relationships, careers, finances and lifestyles. If you are unhappy with the path that you are on, you have two choices: stay on it and remain unfulfilled, or transform your life by taking a different path.

 There are many reasons why people choose to stay on an unfulfilling path. Of these, the two principal reasons are fear of change and a belief that money (or lack of money) is a constraint. To make a fundamental change in your life, there are three extremely important ingredients that you need:

  1. A clear and compelling vision of how you want your life to be and why
  2. A plan for the changes you need to make to let go of the things that are holding you back and propel yourself towards the life that you want.
  3. The courage and motivation to take the necessary action.

 The greater your financial resources the easier it may be to change your life, but lack of money should not be a barrier.

 Making a fundamental change to your life means taking risks and letting go of things that have previously given you comfort and security, such as your job, your house or other assets and even friendships. The transition can involve sacrifice and discomfort in the short term. It helps to imagine yourself living the life of your dreams because your imagination will produce the energy and creativity you need to bring it into reality.

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