Plan Ahead for Retirement Living

Monday, July 7th, 2014

retirement carePlan Ahead for Retirement Living

It is said that the older you get, the faster time goes, and if you subscribe to that view, the best time to think about where you would like to spend the last part of your life is sooner rather than later. Later in life, the effects of aging make it harder to analyse complex information and to make sudden changes in lifestyle. Family members sometimes step in to either provide support or take control, or alternatively, health events can bring about forced change. It is not always possible to foresee how things will be in the future, so it is a case of being well prepared for a range of different possibilities.  A comprehensive list of options and related information for retirement living in your area can be found here.

If you are thinking of moving into a retirement village, it pays to do your homework first. There is an excellent checklist of things to consider on the Sorted website. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has an informative brochure called ‘Thinking of Living in a Retirement Village’ which is available here.

Support at home can include someone to come to your home, respite care and day care in a residential facility. There is funding available for this from the Ministry of Health and a brochure can be obtained here  or from Work and Income.

Options for residential care such as rest homes, dementia facilities and hospitals, will depend on your health status and current vacancies at the time you require the accommodation so it is difficult to plan ahead for this type of care. It is important however, to know what facilities are available and to be able to compare this with support that is available in your own home.

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